Statement of Values: The Broker's Tool for Client Success

6 min read
August 01, 2024

In the insurance industry, the statement of values (SOV) is a critical document that serves as the foundation for underwriting and risk management. It details the insured property’s value, including buildings, contents, and business interruption values. Without a precise and up-to-date statement of values, brokers face significant challenges, from inaccurate risk assessments to potential financial losses. 

This article delves into the importance of maintaining an accurate SOV, the role of quality data, and how modern tools can alleviate the common issues that brokers encounter. By understanding these elements, brokers can enhance their processes and deliver better outcomes for their clients.

What Is a Statement of Values (SOV)?

An SOV is a comprehensive document that outlines the declared values of an insured entity’s assets. It is integral to the insurance process because it informs underwriters about the total value they are covering. The statement typically includes values for buildings, contents, equipment, and any business interruption exposure.

Brokers need a precise and up-to-date SOV to ensure that all assets are adequately covered, reducing the risk of underinsurance. Accurate value data helps with property pricing policies, which can lead to cost savings for clients and facilitate better decision-making and risk management.

The components of an SOV often include:

  • Property Values: This includes the replacement cost or actual cash value of buildings and structures. 
  • Contents and Equipment: The value of contents, machinery, and equipment within the insured property. 
  • Business Interruption: The potential loss of income and additional expenses that could occur if the business operations are disrupted.

Having a detailed and accurate SOV not only aids in obtaining the right coverage but also simplifies the claims process in the event of a loss. It is a foundational element that supports the entire insurance lifecycle, from underwriting to claims settlement.

The Role of Accurate Data in the Statement of Values

In the insurance industry, the quality of data directly impacts risk assessment, policy pricing, and the overall management of insurance portfolios. When brokers have access to precise and comprehensive data, they can provide better service to their clients and ensure that policies are accurately underwritten.

Impact on Risk Assessment

Accurate data allows for a detailed evaluation of potential risks. When the statement of values is based on precise information, underwriters can assess the true exposure of an insured entity. This leads to more accurate risk profiles and ensures that clients are neither overinsured nor underinsured. Proper risk assessment helps in determining appropriate coverage limits and identifying any potential gaps in insurance.

Influence on Policy Pricing

Accurate data ensures that premiums are calculated correctly based on the true value of the insured assets. This not only helps in offering competitive pricing to clients but also protects insurers from potential losses due to undervaluation. Accurate policy pricing builds trust between brokers and clients because clients can be confident that they are paying a fair price for their coverage.

Enhancing Claims Management

In the event of a loss, an accurate SOV streamlines the claims process by providing a clear record of the insured assets and their values, thereby facilitating quicker and more efficient claims settlements. Accurate data reduces the likelihood of disputes between insurers and clients, so claims are processed smoothly and clients are compensated fairly.

Operational Efficiency

Maintaining accurate data within the SOV also enhances operational efficiency for brokers. It reduces the time spent on verifying and correcting data, allowing brokers to focus on other critical tasks. With accurate data, brokers can generate reports and analyzes more quickly, providing valuable insights to clients and improving overall service delivery.

Challenges in Maintaining a Statement of Values

Maintaining an accurate statement of values presents several challenges for insurance brokers. These challenges can lead to inefficiencies and inaccuracies that ultimately affect the quality of service provided to clients. Addressing these challenges requires a combination of better data management practices, advanced technology, and a willingness to adapt to new methods.

Data Discrepancies

Inaccurate or outdated information can lead to significant errors in the statement of values. This problem is often worsened by the use of multiple data sources that may not be synchronized, resulting in inconsistent data entries. These discrepancies can mislead underwriters and affect the accuracy of risk assessments and policy pricing.

Time-Consuming Processes

Gathering and updating the necessary data for a comprehensive statement of values is a labor-intensive process. Brokers often have to manually input data from various sources, which is time-consuming and prone to human error. This process needs to be repeated regularly to ensure that the data remains current, adding to the workload and diverting resources from other critical tasks.

Incomplete Data Sets

Missing information can leave brokers with an inaccurate picture of the insured assets, leading to underinsurance or gaps in coverage. Incomplete data can arise from clients not providing all necessary details or from limitations in the data collection process itself.

Complexity of Large Portfolios

For brokers managing large portfolios, the complexity of maintaining an accurate statement of values increases exponentially. Each asset needs to be individually assessed and valued, which can be a daunting task without the right tools and resources. This complexity can lead to errors and inefficiencies, impacting the overall effectiveness of the insurance process.

Regulatory Compliance

Brokers must also ensure that their statement of values complies with various regulatory requirements. These regulations can vary by jurisdiction and may change over time, adding another layer of complexity to the data management process. Noncompliance can result in legal penalties and damage to the broker’s reputation.

How Archipelago Enhances the Statement of Values

Archipelago excels at enabling the accurate management of the statement of values for insurance brokers. Using advanced technology, including AI, Archipelago transforms the cumbersome process into a streamlined and efficient one:

  • Simplifying Data Collection: Archipelago integrates multiple data sources into a single platform and uses AI to fill in the missing data, eliminating the need for manual data entry while reducing errors. It lets brokers gather comprehensive information effortlessly.
  • Automated Data Updates: Archipelago automates data updates, saving brokers from manually updating information. This real-time synchronization ensures that data is always current and accurate.
  • Intelligent Data Validation: The platform uses intelligent data validation to ensure data integrity, flagging discrepancies and missing information.
  • Enhanced Risk Assessment: With accurate and comprehensive data, Archipelago enhances risk assessment capabilities, providing detailed insights and analytics for informed decision-making.
  • Improved Client Communication: Archipelago improves communication by providing clear and transparent data, building trust between brokers and clients.

By using Archipelago's advanced features, brokers can overcome challenges in maintaining a statement of values, enhancing their service and value to clients. Archipelago offers a comprehensive and reliable solution for modern insurance brokerage.

Future Trends in the Statement of Values and Insurance Brokerage

As the insurance industry evolves, the statement of values will remain fundamental, but advancements in technology and data management will drive significant changes in its maintenance and utilization.

  • Integration of Artificial Intelligence: AI is set to uplevel the management of statements of values. It can automate data collection and analysis, providing brokers with deeper insights and more accurate risk assessments. AI-powered tools like Archipelago significantly reduce the time and effort required to maintain an accurate statement of values.

Ready to use AI to enhance data in your SOVs? Contact us today to get started.

  • Enhanced Data Analytics: Brokers will leverage big data to gain precise insights into risk factors and trends, enabling them to provide more tailored and competitive insurance solutions to clients.
  • Increased Emphasis on Data Security: As data collection and analysis increase in importance, data security will become even more critical. Brokers must ensure that their data management practices comply with stringent security standards to protect sensitive client information. Platforms like Archipelago, which prioritize data security, will be essential in maintaining trust and compliance.
  • Real-Time Data Integration: Real-time data integration will become the norm, allowing brokers to maintain up-to-date statements of values effortlessly. This will enable more accurate and timely risk assessments and policy adjustments, so clients always have the coverage they need.
  • Greater Client Involvement: Clients will increasingly demand transparency and involvement in the insurance process. Brokers must provide clear and accessible data, allowing clients to understand their coverage and make informed decisions. Tools that facilitate easy sharing and communication of data, like Archipelago, will be invaluable in meeting this demand.

Your Next Step in Elevating Your SOV Strategy

Maintaining an accurate statement of values is essential for effective risk management and client satisfaction. Challenges such as data discrepancies, time-consuming processes, and incomplete data can hinder this effort. However, with advanced tools like Archipelago, brokers can streamline data collection, get more data using AI, automate updates, and enhance overall efficiency. To elevate your brokerage operations and provide superior service to your clients, explore how Archipelago can transform your statement of values management.

Ready to see Archipelago in action? Contact us today to learn more.


What is included in a statement of values?

A statement of values typically includes the replacement cost or actual cash value of buildings, contents, and equipment. It also covers business interruption values, which account for potential loss of income and additional expenses if operations are disrupted.

Why is a statement of values important in insurance?

A statement of values informs underwriters about the total exposure they are covering. Accurate values lead to precise risk assessments and policy pricing, which ultimately benefit both the insurer and the client. Without a detailed statement of values, there can be significant discrepancies that affect coverage and claims processing.

How often should a statement of values be updated?

A statement of values should be updated regularly to ensure that it reflects the current value of the insured assets. Industry best practices recommend reviewing and updating the statement of values annually, however AI-driven tools, such as Archipelago, enable real-time data updates. 

What are common challenges in preparing a statement of values?

Common challenges include data discrepancies, incomplete data sets, and the time-consuming nature of data collection. Brokers often face difficulties in synchronizing data from multiple sources, which can lead to inaccuracies. Using advanced tools like Archipelago can help streamline this process, ensuring that the statement of values is accurate and comprehensive.

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